Cleanse the physical and energy body by doing simple physical exercises for about five to ten minutes. Physical exercises have to be done to minimize possible congestion in the body since this meditation generates a lot of subtle energies in the energy body.
The Invocation is important for one’s protection and guidance. Without Divine Blessings, the practice of any advanced meditation can be dangerous. The following invocation can be used:
To the Supreme God, I humbly invoke for Divine Guidance, Divine Love and Illumination, Divine Oneness, Divine Bliss, Divine Help, and Divine Protection. With thanks and in full faith.
The heart energy center is activated by blessing the entire earth with loving-kindness using the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Visualize people smiling and filled with joy, faith, hope and peace. Visualize enemies reconciling, embracing and forgiving each other. One should also personally feel joy, happiness and peace filling your entire being while blessing the earth.
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
The crown energy center is activated by using the following blessing:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
From the center of the heart of God, let the entire earth be blessed with understanding, harmony, and divine peace.
Let the entire earth be blessed with goodwill and the will to do good.
Allow yourself to be a channel of divine loving-kindness, joy, happiness, understanding and peace and share these with the whole earth. Visualize people smiling, their hearts filled with joy and happiness. Visualize people or nations that are on the verge of fighting or are fighting reconciling and living in harmony with each other. Visualize people putting down their arms, shaking hands and embracing each other. Imagine people not filled with good intentions, not only talking about doing something good, but also actually carrying out these good intentions. This is the meaning of the “will to do good.”
Concentrate simultaneously on the crown chakra and the heart energy centers, and bless the entire earth. This will align both centers thereby making the blessing more potent. You may use the following blessing:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, every being be blessed with divine love and kindness
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed with divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness, caringness, and tenderness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed with inner healing, inner beauty,
divine bliss and, divine oneness.
Imagine the small earth in front of you. Visualize a golden light from your hands going down to the earth, filling the whole earth with light and love. Feel the divine love and kindness and share these with the whole earth, every person and every being. Feel the sweet, loving feeling and share it with the whole earth. Feel the divine bliss and divine oneness, and share these with every person and every being.
Visualize a light, a flame, or a start on the crown. Be aware of the light and mentally chant the sacred sound or mantra OM for 7 times. OM (also written as AUM) is the sacred sound that has a purifying effect and shifts our consciousness to a higher level. Be aware of the light, the mantra OM and more importantly be aware of the interval between the two OMs. Gently imagine a brilliant white light or golden light on the crown. Look at it gently and lovingly. Feel the quality of the energy emitted by the light. Feel the inner peace, stillness and bliss emanating from the light. Be aware of the light, the inner stillness and the bliss. Continue meditating. Relax and let go.
After meditation, it is important to release all excess energy by blessing the earth until you feel the body has normalized. Bless specific persons, your family and friends. Next, gently be aware of the base of the spine. Project your consciousness down into the earth and imagine light from the souls of the feet and the base of the spine descending into the earth three meters or 1O feet deep.
After the end of the meditation, always give thanks to the Divine Providence and to your spiritual guides for the divine blessing. Further releasing of excess energy through more physical exercises.