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Among all the meditation techniques revealed to public, Meditation on Twin Hearts is perhaps one of the most effective and efficient meditations that has recorded many glowing testimonials of personal healing, spiritual uplifting, relationship improvements and positive life transformations.
Being a guided short meditation, it has been one of the favorite meditations of all time which yet stands as one of the most powerful methods for achieving peace and illumination.
Latest Research Study on the Effects of Meditation on Twin Hearts on P300 Values
New research finds Meditation on Twin Hearts amplifies positive emotional regulation
What is Meditation on Twin Hearts?
Science of Meditation on Twin Hearts
How Do We Meditate?
How to Organize An Event?
A scientific poster on Meditation on Twin Hearts wins first place at the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference! The poster was presented by Nichole Perez, MD at the annual conference in San Diego, CA in October 2015.
The poster was titled “sLORETA and Psychological Functioning Impacts from Meditation on Twin Hearts: Differences between novice and experienced meditators.” The authors were: Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., Neur Raines, Ph.D., Wayne Blinne, MA & Nichole Perez, M.D.